Saturday, 30 November 2019


Especially when Floss is annoyed by her classmates putting on faux American accents, followed almost immediately with her using 'Mom'. Despite being a little absent minded sometimes, he cares deeply for Floss and only wants what's best for her. I liked this book and when I had finished reading it I wanted the story to carry on. Flora "Floss" Barnes' mother Sally and father Charlie split up when she was little and she wishes they'd get back together because she doesn't like her stepfather, Steve, and her little half-brother Tiger. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. She has written over books and is the creator of characters such as Tracy Beaker and Hetty Feather. As im young myself i thought this book was amazing it had loads of little twists in it that you thought wouldnt happen. candyfloss jacqueline wilson

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Jacquelind one of the books I really like. Even Em, though he is not her real dad. A generally happy and bubbly girl who sometimes struggles to stand up for herself. This was also the first of her books to be illustrated by Nick Sharratt.

See 1 question about Candyfloss…. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book. It's a great book! This is very tricky because both of them have good points and bad points between them.


Description Floss's parents are divorced, and she divides up her week, spending five days with her mum, her new stepdad and her baby half-brother. The other two days Floss spends with her dad, helping him to run his greasy spoon cafe. This field is required.

candyfloss jacqueline wilson

Floss convinces Sally that she can live with Charlie, while they are in Australia. I liked this book and when I had finished reading it I wanted the story to carry on. To ask other readers questions about Candyflossplease sign up. I'd start in the bottom left-hand corner of the paper and just let the picture grow, telling myself stories about each of the characters in turn as I drew them.

Floss, a young British girl, is torn between her divorced parents. But things start to go horribly wrong when her days business go bank- erupt and he thinks it is best to go live with her mum in Sydney with her boyfriend. Candyfloss by Jacqueline Wilson. Only one page but at least it's quite good. The book Candyfloss by Jacqueline Wilson was a very good book.

Candyfloss : Jacqueline Wilson :

They're homeless - but can their new fairground friends help out? Although it could of been a bit longer iwlson still enjoyed it and would definatley recomend it. Lists with This Book. One of Jacqueline Wilson's best. They meet a lovely candyfloss owner called Rose, who tells them their fortune.

candyfloss jacqueline wilson

Jan 28, amelia Davies rated it it was amazing. In she became Dame Jacqueline Wilson. I strongly reccomend this book to anyone as candyflosss is full of inspiration and fun.

By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. Making the difficult decision to stay at home, Floss moves in permanently jacquelije her dad and they muddle along happily together, surviving on chip butties and enjoying visits to the local funfair.

Candyfloss by Jacqueline Wilson - review

Location Please enter your location, but not wulson exact address. The new girl in Floss's class who is extremely clever. This book was very well written. On the negative side, I found it difficult to figure out what grade Floss was in and thus how old she is.

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